Assistive Technology Checklist

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Title | Defining AT | Defining IT | Defining AET | AT Categories | AT Checklist | AT Accommodations | Screen Readers | Example Materials

Assistive Technology Checklist
(Assistive Educational Technology)

Mechanics of Writing o Adapted paper (e.g. raised line, highlighted lines)
o Slantboard
o Typewriter
o Portable word processor
o Computer
o Pencil/pen with adaptive grip
o Other
Computer Access o Keyboard w/ Easy Access or Access DOS
o Word prediction, abbreviation/expansion to reduce keystrokes
o Keyguard
o Arm support (e.g. Ergo Rest)
o Track ball/touch pad/joystick with onscreen keyboard
o Alternate keyboard (e.g. IntelliKeys, Discover Board, TASH)
o Mouth stick/ Head Master/ Tracker w/ on-screen keyboard
o Switch with Morse code
o Switch with scanning
o Voice recognition software
o Other
Mobility o Walker
o Grab rails
o Manual wheelchair
o Powered mobility toy (e.g. Cooper Car, GoBot)
o Powered wheelchair with joystick, head switch or sip/puff control
o Other
Composing Written Material o Word cards/word book/word wall
o Pocket dictionary/thesaurus
o Electronic/talking electronic dictionary/ thesaurus/spell checker (e.g., Franklin Bookman)
o Word processor with spell checker/grammar checker
o Word processor with word prediction (e.g. Co:Writer) to facilitate spelling and sentence construction
o Talking word processor for multisensory typing
o Multimedia software for expression of ideas (assignments)
o Voice recognition software
o Other
Communication o Communication board/book with pictures/objects/letters/words
o Eye gaze board/frame
o Simple voice output device (e.g. Big Mack, Cheap Talk, Voice in a Box, MicroVoice, Talking Picture Frame, Hawk)
o Voice output device with levels (e.g. 6 Level Voice in a Box, Macaw, Digivox)
o Voice output /device with icon sequencing (e.g. AlphaTalker, Liberator, Chatbox)
o Voice output device with dynamic display (e.g. Dynavox,Speaking Dynamically with laptop computer/Freestyle)
o Device with speech synthesis for typing (e.g. Cannon Communicator, Link, Write:OutLoud with laptop computer)
o Other
Environmental Control o Light switch extension
o Use of Powerlink and switch to turn on electrical appliances (e.g. radio, fan, blender, etc.)
o Radio/infrared/remote controlled appliances
o Other
Recreation & Leisure o Use of battery interrupter and switch to operate a toy
o Universal cuff to hold crayons, markers, paint brush
o Adapted toys and games (e.g. toy with adaptive handle)
o Modified utensils (e.g. rollers, stampers, scissors)
o Ergo Rest to support arm for drawing/painting
o Drawing/graphic program on computer (e.g. Kid Pix, Blocks in Motion)
o Playing games on the computer
o Music software on computer
o Adaptive sporting equipment (e.g. Lighted/bell ball, Velcro mitt)
o Other
Aids for Daily Living (ADLs) o Adaptive eating devices (e.g. foam handle on utensil)
o Adaptive drinking devices (e.g. cup with cut out rim)
o Adaptive dressing equipment (e.g. button hook, reacher)
o Other
Reading o Changes in text size, spacing, color, background color
o Book adapted for page turning (e.g. page fluffers, 3 ring binder)
o Use of pictures with text (e.g. Picture It, Writing with Symbols)
o Talking electronic device/ software to pronounce challenging words (e.g. Franklin Bookman, American Heritage Dictionary)
o Scanner with OCR and talking word processor
o Electronic books
o Other
Learning/Studying o Print or picture schedule
o Low tech aids to find materials (i.e., index tabs, color coded folders)
o Highlight text (e.g. markers, highlight tape, ruler, etc.)
o Voice output reminders for assignments, steps of task, etc.
o Software for manipulation of objects/concept development (e.g. Blocks in Motion, Toy Store) may use alternate input device, e.g. switch, touch window
o Software for organization of ideas and studying (e.g. ClarisWorks, Inspiration, Outline, Power Point, HyperStudio etc.)
o Recorded material (books on tape, taped lectures with number coded index, etc.)
o Other
Math o Abacus/ Math Line
o Calculator /calculator with print out
o Talking calculator
o Calculator with large keys and/or large LCD print out
o On screen calculator
o Software with cueing for math computation (may use adapted input methods)
o Software for manipulation of objects
o Tactile/voice output measuring devices (e.g. clock, ruler)
o Other
Positioning & Seating o Non-slip surface-on chair to prevent slipping (e.g. Dycem)
o Bolster, rolled towel, blocks for feet
o Adapted/alternate chair, sidelyer, stander
o Custom fitted wheelchair or insert
o Other
Visual Aids
o Eye glasses
o Magnifier
o Large print books
o CCTV (closed circuit television)
o Screen magnifier (mounted over screen)
o Screen magnification software (e.g. CloseView, Zoom Text)
o Screen color contrast (e.g. CloseView)
o Screen reader (e.g. OutSpoken), text reader
o Braille translation software
o Braille printer
o Enlarged or Braille/tactile labels for keyboard
o Alternate keyboard with enlarged keys
o Braille keyboard and note taker (e.g. Braille 'n Speak)
o Other
Assistive Listening
o Pen and paper
o Computer/portable word processor
o TTY/TDD for phone access with or without relay
o Signaling device (e.g. flashing light or vibrating pager)
o Closed Captioning
o RealTime captioning
o Phone amplifier
o Computer aided note-taking
o Screen flash for alert signals on computer
o Personal amplification system
o Hearing aid
o FM system
o Loop system
o Infrared system
o Other

adapted from several sources including Michigan's Assistive Technology Resource, and Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America (RESNA)

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Copyright © 2006 Drs.Cavanaugh  Last modified: March 06, 2008